Sunday, July 04, 2010


Parking at the gym the other day I was greeted with this view. I knew I wanted to share it and felt that there was SOMETHING here, I just couldn't figure out what. Then today (after being woken up at an ungodly hour by the in laws because they wanted to know what time to come over for fourth of July stuff - does no one follow the 9 to 9 rule nomore?) I decided to just start blogging so I chose my picture and jumped into Photoshop (I love my iPhone though that is a post for another day) to edit this and I went to effects and got busy I added rainbow and made it black and white I tried vignette and a quad and none of it made this picture better. And maybe that was the lesson this photo was supposed to teach me (and you) that maybe we are better just the way we are and we don't need alterations. I don't want to be a depressing blog - though those days do happen to the best of us but this is a lesson I need right now. I am not in my best ED state of mind lately (actually in therapy hospitalization came up and I am trying to avoid that) so the timing was appropriate.

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