Hello hello hello!
It's 2:30am and I'm awake again -- could someone please explain to my body how absolutely unacceptable that is?
How are you this Good Friday?
Lets play the Friday fill in game shall we?
1. If I could go anywhere on a road trip, I'd go to oooh road trips, I love me some road trips! I would love to go back to Chincoteague Virginia - that's a pretty sweet road trip. I am dying to take the poodle and the hubs to Arcadia national park (none of us have been). My dream vacation involves my two favorite men (the 2 above) and an rv and a coast to coast tour!<\b>
2. well there are LOTS of things but a simple straight answer for that is algebra is something I don't understand. I took it 7 years and never passed - it was so pathetic that my high school let me take algebra and a basic math (think addition and subtraction) my second senior year (yup you read it right) so at least I could graduate when I failed algebra
3. Easter makes me think of these days? Egg hunts and bunny ears (see poodle pic from last year). The hubs does a big hunt for adults (and a couple kids). As a child it reminds me of church and my sister's amazing voice (she used to sing sandy patty's was it a morning like this at church! I lived for it)
4. A hike in Harold Parker state forest with my faithful sidekick frolicking is the best way to relax!
5. It looks like Spring might be making an appearance sometime soon, I saw a cardinal yesterday - though I still haven't seen a robin.
6. green juice. is one of my favorite healthy snacks. ever since I got my juicer i am a juicing machine - try one with romaine, carrots, ginger, a pear and a green apple
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to spin and making a flower arrangement for a friend who is going through a tough time, tomorrow my plans include the normal saturday classes at the gym and then making sure baskets are ready and Sunday, I want to hang out with the in laws. I'm making them some beef stew I found on Pinterest - if it's any good I'll share the link. I also have to make an extra batch of cookies and a batch of muffins (they like their baskets to be homemade gifts) on Saturday!
Some other pretty cool (way more than PRETTY cool if you ask me) news that I have is Mr poodle man graduated from Dog B.O.N.E.S. and will be starting work as a therapy dog at new hospitals and nursing homes! I could NOT be more proud if little man!
Also I just learned about A cool concept for shoes with a kick starter campaign
And I think that finishes it for today!
what are you doing for Easter? Do you still get baskets from the bunny?
You'll love Arcadia National Park. That is on my "To Do" for this summer. To visit the park again and travel of the coast of Maine with my camera.
I've gotta get baskets put together for the kiddos this weekend. I found the Angry Birds toothbrushes! :)
Happy Easter!
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