Hello hello hello!
It's 2:30am and I'm awake again -- could someone please explain to my body how absolutely unacceptable that is?
How are you this Good Friday?
Lets play the Friday fill in game shall we?
1. If I could go anywhere on a road trip, I'd go to oooh road trips, I love me some road trips! I would love to go back to Chincoteague Virginia - that's a pretty sweet road trip. I am dying to take the poodle and the hubs to Arcadia national park (none of us have been). My dream vacation involves my two favorite men (the 2 above) and an rv and a coast to coast tour!<\b>
2. well there are LOTS of things but a simple straight answer for that is algebra is something I don't understand. I took it 7 years and never passed - it was so pathetic that my high school let me take algebra and a basic math (think addition and subtraction) my second senior year (yup you read it right) so at least I could graduate when I failed algebra
3. Easter makes me think of these days? Egg hunts and bunny ears (see poodle pic from last year). The hubs does a big hunt for adults (and a couple kids). As a child it reminds me of church and my sister's amazing voice (she used to sing sandy patty's was it a morning like this at church! I lived for it)
4. A hike in Harold Parker state forest with my faithful sidekick frolicking is the best way to relax!
5. It looks like Spring might be making an appearance sometime soon, I saw a cardinal yesterday - though I still haven't seen a robin.
6. green juice. is one of my favorite healthy snacks. ever since I got my juicer i am a juicing machine - try one with romaine, carrots, ginger, a pear and a green apple
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to spin and making a flower arrangement for a friend who is going through a tough time, tomorrow my plans include the normal saturday classes at the gym and then making sure baskets are ready and Sunday, I want to hang out with the in laws. I'm making them some beef stew I found on Pinterest - if it's any good I'll share the link. I also have to make an extra batch of cookies and a batch of muffins (they like their baskets to be homemade gifts) on Saturday!
Some other pretty cool (way more than PRETTY cool if you ask me) news that I have is Mr poodle man graduated from Dog B.O.N.E.S. and will be starting work as a therapy dog at new hospitals and nursing homes! I could NOT be more proud if little man!
Also I just learned about A cool concept for shoes with a kick starter campaign
And I think that finishes it for today!
what are you doing for Easter? Do you still get baskets from the bunny?