Monday, June 21, 2010


I often will see a recipe on a blog and flag it for future making (most of the time that future doesn't come)but last week I saw this post and KNEW these had to be made, and right away! And well Yeah I was right! I made a half batch yesterday after stopping at the dollar store and picking up popsicle molds (yup I am that kind of classy) and the grocery store to get some lemons and some Powdered buttermilk (never used buttermilk before and figured the powdered would last longer and I could make other things with it if these were a bust). Well I got home and went straight to making them, I admit to tasting the batter and thinking how the heck am I going to survive for 5 hours until I can eat them AND contemplating running back to the store to get another set of molds so I could have a full batch. So that worrying and cheaping out on ingredients? Yeah NO worries they are a hit, even the hubster loved them! They are almost as good as my beloved boyo and so refreshing! And now I am thinking of all the possibilities. Would grapefruit work (I LOVE me some grapefruit)? What about blueberries and lemon zest? A friend wants me to try strawberry, and I just thought what about a cran orange? This could be a new obsession.

So I tweaked the recipe a bit
I used
2 3/4 tablespoons powdered buttermilk
2/3 cup water
mix mix mix
add in 1/3 cup splenda (well cheapo store brand I reiterate classy isn't my middle name)
zest of one whole lemon (I didn't feel like measuring) and the juice of that same lemon (again no measuring)
stir stir
add in the teeniest bit of salt
and pour into 8 molds (I think they are about 1 ounce each)

According to my calculations they are about 10 calories each!
Yeah that's my kind of summer snack

On a separate note the lovely hubster bought me a new laptop for school and so I will be able to blog more regularly because I won't have to wait 10 years for my 6 year old dell desktop to turn on everytime I want to type anything. I am hoping for 3 times a week, I really don't think I am anymore interesting than that!

Have a great day!

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