Friday, January 03, 2014

So I found this:

A 365 day challenge - the flaw?
I will never blog every day 
Soooo I am converting is to the 52 week challenge - still all the same questions just answered a week at a time!

Pretty smart huh?

So here we go with days 1-7

Day 1: hopes, dreams, and plans for the next 365 days with a picture of yourself
I hope to be as good to my dog and other people as he is to me. The poodle defines love and dedication and I'd like to walk through life that way 

Day 2: something that’s illegal but you think it should be legal
I don't really know of anything? I mean I wish texting and driving were legal but it's stupid and causes accidents so...
Day 3: what you think your reason for being here is
Here in this world? I wish I knew
Day 4: how you think your life would change if you achieved your dream
Well first I'd have to pick a dream... I have tons of "I'd like to..." But I haven't worked towards any of them
Day 5: something you would change about the world
If I ruled the world people would be kinder to each other. And not because they HAD to be but because they wanted to be...
Day 6: something you would like to change about yourself
I'd like new hips ;-)
I'd also like to ditch the anxiety 
And be more decisive
Day 7: a show or a movie that has changed you, and how
Sounds silly but LILO and stitch... In my house we live by the RULE that ohana means family and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.

Well there's the end of week one!
On another note I went to the dr. And my hips (quad and lower back) are a mess and I'm back in PT and upping the chiro visits. But the BIG change? No running or hard (on my legs) workouts for 2 months. This is a hopeful way to avoid surgery... I'm not feeling too good about this yet! But heck 2 days down 58 to go...

How was your New Years?

1 comment:

Laura said...

love this!

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