Saturday, August 07, 2010

Are you beautiful?


This week Caitlin of and (sorry don't know how to add links from the iPhone) was on good morning America! I am so excited for her! She is AMAZING

I dvr'd the show and showed it to the hubster and he was as moved as I was! So for friday night date night we brought a pad of post it's and put up notes everywhere. A few of my favorites were:
The mall had a huge ad for gift cards as gifts, we put YOU ARE A GIFT!
another was
A price fixe menu board we wrote YOU NEED NO FIXING
On a price scanner YOU ARE PRICELESS!
and lastly on a scale THIS IS A # YOU ARE A MIRACLE

Overall this made hubster and I feel so good and made for a great date night (minus my newly broken tooth)

What are your weekend plans?

1 comment:

Astrid said...

I love operation beautiful Do you have a copy of the book? I am planning on going out on a post it "mission" this week. You should, too!

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