
Friday, March 30, 2012

Pedicures, Instagram and Pasta - oh my!!!

So, bet you're wondering how I'm combining pedicures, instagram and bsi pasta?The story goes a little something like this:This week biz over at has pasta as her bsi (blogger secret ingredient) of the week. Hubster loves pasta (though not the shirataki noodles I have in the fridge) so I wanted in (like I said last week there is nothing I like more than joining in AND not having to be social). I wanted to make something that I've never made before... Enter my friend mr. Google I asked him to find me a sweet pasta recipe. He gave me this link: thank you sir it was just what I wanted :-)Also this week both hubster and I both had our cars die! WTF car gods? Seriously!So back to my story... I woke up this morning and my first thought was today's the day for hubs kugel! My second thought was I have NONE of the ingredient list :-) and no car - guess I'll walk to the store (I love to walk and it's just over 2 miles each way - side note I will NEVER learn that when walking I should not buy ~30 pounds of groceries to haul home)My 3rd thought was WHY WHY WHY has the cold spring come back? I gave myself a kick ass pedicure earlier this week (Sally Hansen she sells sea shells as a base with a pumpkin spice glitter top FYI) and I wanna show my piggies off to the world! THIS is what I woke hubster up saying - he kindly checked them out (again) and told me they were the best feet ever!
Forward to my (freaking frigid) walk and I look for the photo challenge of the day (in case it's something I'll see on my walk or in the store)... Would you believe it? It's feet! I get to show my pretty toes to the masses (or the 10 followers I have on instagram) after all! SCORE!!!Now, after I get back from the walk I set to making my version of the kugel above :-) I'm naming it kugelishKugelish (serves 1)INGREDIENTS:
2 ounces dry egg noodles2.5 tablespoons low-fat blueberry yogurt1/4 cup low-fat cottage cheese 1 mounding tablespoon light cream cheese1 generous tablespoon Splenda 2 tablespoons egg whites1 overflowing tablespoon sugar (that's what's in the black and white container on the left)••can we take a moment to notice that I am apparently an ad for market basket••DIRECTIONS:Boil noodles according to package (mine were 8 minutes)
In a bowl mix yogurt (you can use any flavor I'd say) through egg whites,
then mix in egg noodles
and pour this mixture into a prepared (by spraying with Pam (I used market basket's version - duh)) cooking vessel. I used a small pot.Now sprinkle with your sugar (I think this helps it brown and look pretty (ish) if you're not worried about that add more Splenda to the original mixture)Bake @ 350* for about 25 - 30 minutes (until the top browns a bit) This makes 1 generous breakfast serving or maybe 2 desserts. Hubster LOVED it and asked me to remember the recipe so... I'm calling this a success
+++have you ever had kugel? And more importantly can I still call this kugel?+++

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wordy Wednesday on a woeful week

How you like them ws???
Well they say a pictures worth a thousand words so here's a zillion

And in case you were wondering the dude bleeding mustard from his eyes! That's HUBSTER'S version of Elton John

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Bsi - breakfast

So... There's nothing I like more than joining in on something without having to leave the safety of my own home. It's like the best of both worlds - I'm being social WITHOUT having to go out and seeeeeeeeee people. Love!

Well this weeks bsi created by the lovely biz @ theme was breakfast I can do breakfast right???? Sure....

So here's my (long winded) submission

You start by creating candied orange peels which I got the idea for from the amazing Julie @
Who linked me to the recipe @ now Jennifer mentions that the syrup is good on pancakes!

Since hubster loves pancakes I decided if make him some!

So step 1 make candied oranges and set oranges aside but save out syrup.

Step 2 mix ingredients for pancakes (I used an all in 1 so I only added water)

Step 3 cook pancakes

Step 4 (and this step is COMPLETELY optional if you are a better cook than I OR if noises don't bother you) take batteries out of smoke alarm because it will NOT stop going off no matter how many windows you open and how much you fan it!

Step 5 in now silent house serve (slightly burned) pancakes topped with the delicious syrup you made in step 1

Kiss hubster tell him you tried and go off to blog it!

+++do you like pancakes? Do you like burned food (if so come over I'm happy to make you some)+++

Friday, March 23, 2012

Friday fillins - I'm an animal

This super fun friday 5 with an animal theme is courtesy of

What’s something you otter be doing right now?
Putting the clothes in the dryer OR (ok maybe and) shaving my legs because I'm going to acupuncture today!!!

What’s something for which you are lion in wait?
The results if pupsters going to be ok AND giving people Christmas presents!

When did you last have reason to feel sheepish?
Ummm most of my life I feel sheepish - how about yesterday when I lost my wallet...

What’s something toucan do better than one?
Dance, yo! I have this fantasy of being a couple who dances together in the kitchen - the flaw? I just laugh

What’s something you have recently been forced to grin and bear?
That there are certain family members who will never change! And if it's not about them then...

+++do you have people in your life who only have time for you when they need your help? Other than that they can't be bothered to give you the time of day? (and Laura don't you be saying me!!! Xo)+++

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wordy Wednesday the pictionary version

So I'm obsessed with draw something - when someone with OCD is obsessed with a game it's either very good or very not good.
IMO in this case it's good! Though I get mad when I love the picture and don't catch it in time...

So those are peas that hubster drew
A lasso that I drew (awesome cowboy huh?)
A bookcase a friend drew and I didn't get it in time - waaaaaaaaa

Monday, March 19, 2012

What! A! Weekend!

Thursday was our anniversary and hubster and I had planned a pretty packed few days.
The itinerary went a little like this:

Thursday - drive with pupster to nh where hubster had an engagement that would last a couple hours and then we would spend the night at a lovely (and pet friendly - woohoo) bed and breakfast - (highly recommend)

Friday - drive home, paint some pottery (the gift I asked for this year), and go see recycled percussion (my gift to hubster)

Saturday - hubster would work and pupster and I would go for a nice walk before hubster and I would go to another of his shows

Sunday - hubster was going to an acapella concert with friends while I was staying home

---what happened??---

Thursday - pupster was clearly in pain so I brought him to the vet - they changed his food and diagnosed him with pancreatitis. We still took him to nh (hubster had to go and he was stable so...)

Friday - as planned except we skipped pottery (I wanted a walk after a two hour drive and hubster wanted a nap)

Saturday - well it started as planned hubs off to work, pup and I off to walk... And all hell broke lose! He started gagging and we jumped in the car to the vet, on the drive there my little friend stopped breathing. A minute (or ten million hours) later he started again. We made it to the vet and he had another episode. He had emergency surgery and ought to be well! The rest of the night was spent with me staring at his chest for a heartbeat and breath...

Sunday - more of the same.

Today, I called and had to cancel all my appointments for the next week (while he's on these meds he can't be left alone)

I'm grateful that I can stay with him BUT I am wary that no therapy or gym time is going to leave me crazy...
Thinking this might be a good week to look into future ideas - self improvement.. Yoga teacher training maybe???

+++what is your wish for your future?+++

PS those pics are from
(tree) an hour before everything happened
(me) five minutes post surgery
(blurry) in car after release
(quilt) this morning
It was indeed a crazy 24 hours

Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday fill ins

Friday fun courtesy of

When was the last time you flew a kite?

Last summer (around labor day) and will again this summer I <3 kite flying

When did you last jump into a lake?

Technically jump? Ummm probably never - cant swim but I've been in lakes last summer

When did you last get outta town?

Today just got back from a mini vacation

When did you last take a hike?

This week (and every week)

When did you last play in traffic?

Does running in it count? If so about 5 minutes ago (date night in Worcester)

and this one

1. Welcome HOME PUPSTER BOY (said every time he comes in the house in the voice of Ty Pennington)
2. PUPSTER and GOOD TEA makes me jump for joy.
4. HIS EYESis the thing I love most about HUBSTER.
6. WARMTH is what I'm eagerly awaiting.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to A CONCERT WITH HUBS, tomorrow my plans include HIKING AND WATCHING HUB PERFORM and Sunday, I want to STAY IN!

+++what are you doing this weekend?+++

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wordy Wednesday

So tomorrow is my 9th wedding anniversary.
A few years back I asked hubster "if you knew then all of (sweeping hand motion) this, would you do it again?"
His reply "no"

I was crushed! He saw it and explained that he wouldn't have thought he could have dealt with a mother in law dying in front of him, 2 horses dying in his arms, a wife with an eating disorder and who occasionally goes crazy. But not only has he dealt with it (his words here not mine) it has made him a better stronger person than he knew he could be.

Today I was at the bank and mentioned that it was our anniversary tomorrow and I needed to grab a card. My teller (a friend) asked if I would do it again - I thought... Yeah I would. There's no one else I'd like to grow into my full potential alongside.

I called hubster and said ewwwww I'd marry you again (and told him about the bank) he said yuk that's like cooties! And I remembered again why I married him.

He can make my way too serious self laugh.

He gets up quietly and cleans up when I get sick to my stomach in the middle of the night.

He understands that I am really afraid of lightning (fear of fires from the old house burning down) and goes out in the horrendous hail (last night) to be sure the house wasn't struck because I was shaking so hard.

He knows that pupster is sometimes the only thing that'll make me happy - and he's just glad it works, he doesn't need to be the hero.

He watches any chick flick with me! And circus (I love the circus)

And when I'm proud that I've saved us money he writes texts like this:
(yup I'd do it all again - and fortunately so would he)

+++would you recommit to your partner (or pet?)+++

Monday, March 12, 2012

Me from a to z

I'm not terribly motivated for anything today - I have a dr appointment and I'm not excited so I thought I'd start the week off with something fun!

I got this from the way too fabulous janetha over at

A is for age:

B is for breakfast today:
Probably red velvet tea with almond milk

C is for currently craving:

D is for dinner tonight:
Depends on what hubster wants what I'll make him

E is for favorite type of exercise:
Walking, hiking, running

F is for an irrational fear:
Going into the hospital

G is for gross food:

H is for hometown:

I is for something important:
Good skin care routine!

J is for current favorite jam:
Born this way

K is for kids:
Does the handsome man in the photos count?

L is for current location:
At home in bed with my 2 favorite guys sleeping next to me (technically 51 pounds of pupster is ON my right leg)

M is for the most recent way you spent money:
On my car grrr

N is for something you need:
Vitamin d levels that aren't a joke

O is for occupation:
Doggy mama

P is for pet peeve:
Noisy people

Q is for a quote:
The only way around is through

R is for random fact about you:
I fractured my back twice

S is for favorite healthy snack:

T is for favorite treat:
I go through phases - right now I'm all about zen tea with a splash of soy and lots of Splenda

U is for something that makes you unique:
I was an exchange student to costa rica

V is for favorite vegetable:
Hmmmm that's a hard question for a vegan - sweet potatoes cooked in the crockpot are amazing, so is raw fresh lettuce, a farmers market tomato, steamed broccoli, pretty much any veggie in soups minus peas (I'm allergic) and corn (not a fan)

W is for today’s workout:
Mad abs march and a walk

X is for X-rays you’ve had:
Ummm every single thing!

Y is for yesterday’s highlight:
Getting my car back!!! (yesterday's low light was the $620 it cost)

Z is for your time zone:
Eastern standard

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Friday fill ins - joy style

(which means Saturday morning - in reality I just felt like ass yesterday and typing my own name was hard)

What’s a film that always tugs at your heartstrings?
E freaking T!!! I love that movie and even if the movie sucked (which it totally doesn't) I love the memories I have from it. The first time it came out I saw it 7 times in the theater... One of those times was with my father. We got there late (no kidding I was with him) and there was only 1 seat left - he bought it and let my skootchy self sit on his lap

How long would it take you to come up with a six-inch length of string if someone needed it right now?
2 seconds - I'm sitting in my craft area

What are your thoughts on string cheese?
Unmm last I checked (I've never checked) they don't make vegan string cheese - but in high school I loved it.

Among people you know, who’s the best guitar-player?
I'll go with mark (pretty sure he's the only guitar player I know)

What memories do you have of Silly String?
None really... Might need to remedy that!

+++have you ever played with silly string?+++

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Wordy Wednesday

Yes, I had to look it up.
No, I'm not kidding.
What did people do before google?

Monday, March 05, 2012

Monday things

So this post winds but it gets back around I promise!

My in law's are coming over for brunch tomorrow. I may have mentioned a time or two that I'm not a cook, right?

Well for as much as I'm not a cook they ARE eaters! This is 2 people who like food!! So since I would like to pay my bills this month I'm cooking for them... Cheesy chicken chowder and cinnamon roll waffles! I'm a hero huh? Well I decided to up the ante and make them "leprechauns" in green chocolate (listen people there is no way that when green smurfs and ET aren't leprechaun)


Okay, so when I was a child my mother did her very best to not let me know
A- we was pretty damn poor
B- I was the unwanted daughter of an alcoholic
So this meant she looked for ways to get me out of the house (see b) without spending too much (see a)
One of my favorite places we would go was called Putnam pantry it was (still is) an ice cream bar where the give you your ice cream scoop and let you loose at the bar (like thise new wave froyo shops) and then you sit down in adorable wrought iron chairs and there's a water bubbler in the dining room. You'll need it!
My favorite was the cherry syrup. Anyway attached to this was a candy shop (hello brain child) well there we all would ask for treats... My mom used to buy me MY FAVORITE ET pop each time (ahhhh love) but she would always buy it from the "broken bin" his poor little neck would be snapped. She'd tell me "joy imagine what he'll look like after you eat him?" and for as much of a pain I was as a child I was happy to accept a broken pop (probably on a sugar high?)


Well a number of years ago hubster and I went to good ole Putnam pantry and lo and behold the ET (and smurf) candy molds were in a dollar bin! I snatched those suckers up!


So back to today - I made my pops and I was so happy: I was really living the memory... Yup right up until I snapped that suckers neck! Damn!!! Now I know why they were putting them in the cheapo bin! Those things are a pain in the ass.
But I happily served broken chocolate because well - if memory serves me I ate them often and I'm alive! And I have a great memory :-)

+++do you have a memory you'd like to share?+++

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Friday fillins Saturday morning style!

I think it's more fun to do it today ;-) (or at least that's my excuse)

6. I TRY HARD NEVER to put anybody down.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to VISITING A FRIEND IP, tomorrow my plans include A LOVELY WALK, CLEANING THE HOUSE, WASHING THE FLOORS AND MAKING A DONATION RUN and Sunday, I want to GET SOME YOGA ON AND FINALLY FINISH TAKING THE ANTIBIOTICS!!!

And this one courtesy of:

First prize for winning an Academy Award is a gold statuette named Oscar. What would be a good second prize?
A silver statue named Fred (that was the other person in the odd couple, right?)

First prize for winning a Presidential election is four years in the White House. What would be a good second prize?
Not being stuck in the white house for 4 years???

First prize for winning on Survivor is a million dollars. What would be a good second prize?
Winning the island it's on with maid service, a chef and indoor plumbing for a year!

First prize for winning the Indianapolis 500 is chugging a quart of milk in the winner’s circle. What would be a good second prize?
Soy milk!!! Bet more people would aim for second!!!!!

First prize (for the horse) for winning the Kentucky Derby is a blanket of roses. What would be a good second prize?
A nice bale of clover hay!!!

+++what are you doing this weekend?+++