
Friday, March 30, 2012

Pedicures, Instagram and Pasta - oh my!!!

So, bet you're wondering how I'm combining pedicures, instagram and bsi pasta?The story goes a little something like this:This week biz over at has pasta as her bsi (blogger secret ingredient) of the week. Hubster loves pasta (though not the shirataki noodles I have in the fridge) so I wanted in (like I said last week there is nothing I like more than joining in AND not having to be social). I wanted to make something that I've never made before... Enter my friend mr. Google I asked him to find me a sweet pasta recipe. He gave me this link: thank you sir it was just what I wanted :-)Also this week both hubster and I both had our cars die! WTF car gods? Seriously!So back to my story... I woke up this morning and my first thought was today's the day for hubs kugel! My second thought was I have NONE of the ingredient list :-) and no car - guess I'll walk to the store (I love to walk and it's just over 2 miles each way - side note I will NEVER learn that when walking I should not buy ~30 pounds of groceries to haul home)My 3rd thought was WHY WHY WHY has the cold spring come back? I gave myself a kick ass pedicure earlier this week (Sally Hansen she sells sea shells as a base with a pumpkin spice glitter top FYI) and I wanna show my piggies off to the world! THIS is what I woke hubster up saying - he kindly checked them out (again) and told me they were the best feet ever!
Forward to my (freaking frigid) walk and I look for the photo challenge of the day (in case it's something I'll see on my walk or in the store)... Would you believe it? It's feet! I get to show my pretty toes to the masses (or the 10 followers I have on instagram) after all! SCORE!!!Now, after I get back from the walk I set to making my version of the kugel above :-) I'm naming it kugelishKugelish (serves 1)INGREDIENTS:
2 ounces dry egg noodles2.5 tablespoons low-fat blueberry yogurt1/4 cup low-fat cottage cheese 1 mounding tablespoon light cream cheese1 generous tablespoon Splenda 2 tablespoons egg whites1 overflowing tablespoon sugar (that's what's in the black and white container on the left)••can we take a moment to notice that I am apparently an ad for market basket••DIRECTIONS:Boil noodles according to package (mine were 8 minutes)
In a bowl mix yogurt (you can use any flavor I'd say) through egg whites,
then mix in egg noodles
and pour this mixture into a prepared (by spraying with Pam (I used market basket's version - duh)) cooking vessel. I used a small pot.Now sprinkle with your sugar (I think this helps it brown and look pretty (ish) if you're not worried about that add more Splenda to the original mixture)Bake @ 350* for about 25 - 30 minutes (until the top browns a bit) This makes 1 generous breakfast serving or maybe 2 desserts. Hubster LOVED it and asked me to remember the recipe so... I'm calling this a success
+++have you ever had kugel? And more importantly can I still call this kugel?+++

1 comment:

  1. I love the sweet combo you have going on with this noodle dish!


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