
Monday, March 12, 2012

Me from a to z

I'm not terribly motivated for anything today - I have a dr appointment and I'm not excited so I thought I'd start the week off with something fun!

I got this from the way too fabulous janetha over at

A is for age:

B is for breakfast today:
Probably red velvet tea with almond milk

C is for currently craving:

D is for dinner tonight:
Depends on what hubster wants what I'll make him

E is for favorite type of exercise:
Walking, hiking, running

F is for an irrational fear:
Going into the hospital

G is for gross food:

H is for hometown:

I is for something important:
Good skin care routine!

J is for current favorite jam:
Born this way

K is for kids:
Does the handsome man in the photos count?

L is for current location:
At home in bed with my 2 favorite guys sleeping next to me (technically 51 pounds of pupster is ON my right leg)

M is for the most recent way you spent money:
On my car grrr

N is for something you need:
Vitamin d levels that aren't a joke

O is for occupation:
Doggy mama

P is for pet peeve:
Noisy people

Q is for a quote:
The only way around is through

R is for random fact about you:
I fractured my back twice

S is for favorite healthy snack:

T is for favorite treat:
I go through phases - right now I'm all about zen tea with a splash of soy and lots of Splenda

U is for something that makes you unique:
I was an exchange student to costa rica

V is for favorite vegetable:
Hmmmm that's a hard question for a vegan - sweet potatoes cooked in the crockpot are amazing, so is raw fresh lettuce, a farmers market tomato, steamed broccoli, pretty much any veggie in soups minus peas (I'm allergic) and corn (not a fan)

W is for today’s workout:
Mad abs march and a walk

X is for X-rays you’ve had:
Ummm every single thing!

Y is for yesterday’s highlight:
Getting my car back!!! (yesterday's low light was the $620 it cost)

Z is for your time zone:
Eastern standard


  1. i don't think fearing the hospital is so irrational!

  2. I owe you an email! I will "talk" to you tomorrow - just hitting the hay.




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