
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I am scentual

This weekend I popped on Facebook and saw a status from a friend (actually my interior designer) saying to home sellers (she's looking) to not use candles or sprays or cookies because it makes her think you're hiding something (she was also the stager of my old home and she said this to me a million times)

Fortunately, I'm not selling the wee house anytime soon.

I wake up every morning and I light incense in the bathroom and the living room. As the day goes on I have a bag of sprays I use. I like to start my day with invigorating musks and end it with peaceful florals.

I've started going walking around dusk because the scents of people out grilling dinner as I head out is fun and on our street (which is filled with cottages and people are very very laid back here) as I head home a few hours later there is always one or two bonfires going, that scent brings me home peaceful.

I pick my clothes and dish soaps carefully (and according to hubs hand soap shopping with me is painful) and none of this is to "hide" a scent but it is more to guide my day and mood.

I remember that I was first introduced to aromatherapy by auracacia at a trade show where I was working (and highly over stressed) I used clary sage and without even realizing it started to relax. To this day I don't get on a plane without it :-)

Whiffs of perfume bring my grandmother (long passed) back to me -- ironically I don't know the brand, and am glad I don't I'd probably buy it and smell it all the time - somehow I think I'd lose her in the frequency. The rarity of walking by someone wearing it is what makes her/it more real.

Nicole's simple status was a reminder to me that FOR ME every one, every place has a spirit, a name (cue Pocahontas) and a scent.

+++are you scent triggered (or should I say activated?)+++

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