
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

50 questions # 30

30. What is your happiest childhood memory? What makes it so special?

omg - I suck at this I literally do not remember my childhood, I'm pretty much a failure at this! My only childhood memory is getting into a fight with my best friend and making up! Overall though my road was a group of friends turned family so I'd say it was pretty good!

+++what's your best kid memory?+++

1 comment:

  1. OMG - I get it!

    My "memories" I have come to cherish are like snippets of images and things...never like "stories" so much.

    I actually made a PinBoard called childhood throwback for whenever I mentally conjure something that makes me think of childhood.

    Woman? I have been meaning to email you....argh!!! I have felt for a month now the need to check in.


What's on your mind