
Monday, February 24, 2014

Ohhh my have I been crafty

Lets just agree that Pinterest made me do it 
These 3 were a Christmas present for a Harry potter loving friend... She pinned the accio coffee one onto her "I need"
board and I went from there!

These 3 I got the idea here:
And then just made them my own! 
They went to 3 preschoolers 

J is in love with the Olympic Games so I made him my
(Cheap) version of this (with color appropriate candy or
Cookies that are his favorites):

This was my own punniness at play... Snacks in a mason
  jar  with chewbacca glued to the top with a tag that 
said for when you need a little something to chew on!

This was a get well for my friends daughter who broke
 her arm. I got this idea from here:


This idea I've seen everywhere so I just made my own
For a friend of mine who loves the bruins almost as
Much as she loves shoes!!

And there's a few of them!
I've got tons of cakes to show you too!

Have you been up to anything fun lately?

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Do it yourself fool - pedicure version

So the hippies aren't allowing me to go get manis or pedis (can't stay in one position for too long) so today I decided to give myself the works at home and thought maybe I'd share some of my favorite "recipes" with you.

For the pedicure I soak my feet in a bucket of warm water

It's just a plastic shoebox I got at the dollar store. I put some foot soak in it.
I got the recipe here:
And it's the basic the only difference is instead of essential oils I used red food coloring so I could have pink water! I made a bunch and I just store it in a ziplock

So I soak my feet for about 10 minutes then use the pumice stone and get rid of dead skin. After that I put on some foot scrub.
I made this one:

With this I just make it as I use it. I'm not sure how well it'd store

Then let the ole tootsies dry and slather with lotion. If you're going to paint your toenails (I'm not it hurts to bend and this was already MORE than enough) just remember to wipe off the lotion on your toenails with some nail polish remover. Then put on socks to keep the moisture in your newly soft feet!

Do you DIY pedicures at all?