
Friday, August 09, 2013

In the fashion

That is Joy I signed up for 2 half marathons. 

3 weeks apart... With 2 other races thrown in between for good measure 😳
It is POSSIBLE that there is some disordered thinking going on here...

I have been pure exhaustion lately. But tonight I can't sleep because my stomach hates me 😢

Poodle man has been super snugly lately. I took him to the pet store yesterday and the people there were all talking about how well behaved he is (my mommy chest was bursting with pride). I bought him a couple collar sets (that he didn't need - I could probably house a rescue with his leftovers... Actually ought to donate a ton of his old collars leashes and toys SOON) one of which is this super cute poker set in honor of our friend who is a pro poker player...

Do you obsessively shop for your pet?

I do! Ironically yesterday I had looked at some of the C9 by champion capris at target and decided that they weren't in the budget but 2 hours later spent $4 on the poodles stuff (nothing he needed)